I keep taking mental notes about things I notice here in every day life as well as stuff I am learning in and outside of class. My plan was to write one big blog about it but I am afraid I might forget as I go so I am going to just write about as I go instead. It might be random but whatever.
A couple of weeks ago I was walking home from school. It was a particularly cold day but mostly clear with clouds in the far distance. I remember thinking that it was cold enough to snow and even with the sun shining down on me I felt so cold. A few seconds later a gush of wind came through and then a few seconds later it was snowing on me BUT there was not a cloud any where near me. It only lasted for a few seconds but it was so weird to have the sun shining so bright with the sky so clear and to have snow falling on my face. I haven't seen any bugs since I have been here, with the exception of a cluster of nats this one day. Nothing. No flies, spiders, ants, nothing. I know it's winter and all but it doesn't get that cold in the part of Japan that I live in. It's pretty similar to Portland weather with less rain. Where the hell are the bugs? I'm not complaining but I do think it's weird. My friend Kristin would love it here because she hates bugs especially spiders, you should hear her scream when she sees one at home. No matter how big or small the spider is, she is not a happy camper. I hate spiders too and I don't give a shit what scientists say about spiders having no thoughts, they have one thought and it's to kill me and I guess Kristin too.
I have not seen any pregnant women, none! Japan has the lowest fertility rate in the world. They're going to have a serious popluation problem down the road cos their population is decreasing. Most women in Japan have the choice of either raising a family or having a career-- you usually can't do both. Most women chose the latter. Raising a family is a serious job here and the reason is because they take education really serious. It puts us to shame. Japan has a 98% literacy rate. Schooling is rigorous from a young age and bascially the mothers have to know everything the children learn in school so that they can be the teacher outside of the classroom. Having a career is so demanding as well cos the hours are long and there is a lot that is expected from you. It's so weird not seeing a pregnant lady around every corner like I do in Portland and it's especially nice not seeing a lady breastfeed her baby as I eat a sandwich. Sorry, I know it has to be done but not in a crowded restaurant where everyone is eating, take that shit in the bathroom, outside or in the car.
Japan is very safe. I feel safer walking down the street here then I do in Portland but if I had to get arrested I would ather be arrested in Portland, make sense? Laws are strict here so that's one of the reasons people don't break them. So jails aren't fun here, I'm sure they are not fun anywhere but especially here. Another reason why Japan has the lowest crime rate in the world is because people do not own guns here. The only people that do are the police, military and members of the Japanese mafia, I'm not kidding. After Japan surrendered in WWII the Americans disarmed the country and its been that way ever since. I think it says something about people in America who argue in favor of gun rights, I' m not sure what the laws should be in the states but there is a reason why we have the highest crime rate in the world. I know America will never disarm but I do wish there was stricter gun laws so psycho-paths can't shoot up schools and what not.
Smoking in the streets is illegal, seriously I never see anyone do it so I think that's why people smoke up a storm in bars and restaurants. It's also illegal to take on your cell phone while you ride a bike and so is holding an umbrella while you bike. You have to get an attachment that goes on your handle-bars that holds the umbrella in place. I'm sure they're not too strict about the cell phone and umbrella laws but you're supposed to abide regardless. Culturally, it's considered unacceptable to eat and drink on the streets so you don't really see a lot of people doing it. It's also unacceptable to talk on your cell phone on trains so you're only supposed to text.
December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor but in Japan it was December 8, 1941 so it's commemorated on the 8th not the 7th. Japan has apologized for Pearl Harbor but America never apologized for dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima or Nagasaki, by the way, neither were military targets both targeted civilians. There has never been a sitting president who has ever visited either of the bomb sites and there probably never will be. Japan is the cleanest place I have ever seen. The technology is insane. Cell phones have infra-red technology built in to them and one of the things you can do with your phone is touch your infra-red button next to someone else's and it automatically exchanges each others phone numbers.
Japan wastes a lot of paper. You have to fill out forms for everything and I receive about 10 handouts in my classes a day. They love giving you plastic bags for everything! When I buy anything they bombard me with 500 bags for a few things. It's weird. What else can I tell you about? There's a Japanese proverb that says: "if a nail sticks out; hammer it down," so individuality is not embraced here for they are a collective society. Most Japanese people don't do things to stand out, not all but most. I think that's why I get stared at a lot because I am all about being different and I embrace being an individual. Anyways, enough for now.
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