The city I live in has to be the most boring city in all of Japan. Seriously. There is nothing to do here except for karaoke and that gets really old real quick. I mean, I am good and all but even I get sick of hearing my own voice. There's not even a local bar to drown your sorrows in. If you want to drink it has to either be in the park, at karaoke or illegally in your dorm room. This is fine considering that I don't drink much here anyways but still. If I was a local business owner, I would open some type of bar in this neighborhood because it would attract hundreds of students.
But the again maybe that wouldn't be a good idea seeing that more than half of the students here are between the ages of 19--21 and cannot hold or handle their alcohol, at all. The ones from the states are the worse because the drinking age is 21 so they haven't been tainted yet but all of the other students are from countries where the drinking age ranges from 16-20 so a lot of them have already pickled their livers. Nonetheless, if they're seasoned drinkers or not, this school is full of idiots and any amount of alcohol makes it worse. There are a handful of people that are an exception but you wouldn't believe some of these people. It's real disheartening sometimes especially when they are sober and in class.
There are so many times when I am class when one of the little pip-squeaks raises their hands and a collective sigh is heard throughout the room. The shit that comes out of their mouths is mind-blowing. My history professor, who I have for three classes, tries to just ignore their hands being waved in his face hoping and praying that either they will take a hint or maybe their hand will just fall off. Neither of them happen and we're often blessed with their stupid comments. I usually want to slam my head into the desk or better yet, slam their heads into the desks but I refrain. I'm not just saying this because I am older or because I think I am better, it's just that they are seriously lacking in common sense and some brain cells. I am not sure where the brain cells went, if some traumatic event occurred or if they were just born stupid but its alarming.
My professor has addressed these concerns with me one day so I know I am not being too critical or judgmental. "If this kids are the future, we are in trouble," he said to me one day with his hands in his head. To make matters worse, the people I am talking about are always from the United States, besides this one girl from Canada who thinks she is 100% French and knows everything about France (even though she's never been there) because she's from Quebec. It's Canada not France, sorry not the same. The United States, as you can imagine from the great amazing job G.W. Bush and his administration did, is not looked upon in a positive light by a lot of the world. These imbeciles only add to people's negative views of America.
I am constantly getting into conversations about how 'bad' America is and if you are from there you must be 'bad' too. This of course is not true. I love living in America but does that mean I agree with the decisions the government makes on behalf of the American people? No. In fact, since the beginning of our 'great' nation I would say I disagree with a lot of policies, foreign and domestic, adopted and implemented by the government. But that's a right I have as an American, the right to disagree and vocalize and even write about it without being persecuted and in the case of some countries, lose my life over it.
There's a couple guys here who love Japan so much that when the America bashing starts they happily join in. My problem with this is, you can be critical, in fact I encourage it but if you really hate living in America so much, then fucking move because I guarantee there is someone who would gladly take your place. Do I think that America is the best place in the world? No, but it has a lot to offer. It has many flaws but what country doesn't? Name a country that has equality for all of its citizens, doesn't have internal and external conflicts or corrupt politicians. If there is such a place, let me know so I can move there. It doesn't exist. Every country has its good and bad sides, you just have to pick what side you want to be on.
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