Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hiragana, Katakana, fuck yo' mamma!

As I exited one of my language courses feeling frustrated as all hell, I saw Paul, who is 20 and from the UK and is so bitter and jaded that it's charming. I thought I was bad but he puts me to shame. He's funny about it and not a drag to be around by any means. He attends the same uni (that's what they call university's in the UK) as Becca. 

Anyways, he hates Japanese everything, the food, language and well, everything really and often wonders aloud why the hell he came here in the first place. Anyway, I saw him right after I about pulled my hair out over the lesson on the difference between hiragana and katakana characters and he said how are ya and I blurted out, "Hiragana, Katakana, fuck yo' mama!" Then I paused and thought, oh shit, yo' mama jokes are common in the states but I don't know about anywhere else but before I could second guess myself any longer, Paul burst into laughter. Last night at karaoke he told everyone what I said and everyone, including the Japanese students, thought it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. I was a hit. They might have thought I was OK before that comment but now they think I'm hilarious, which I am, they just hadn't seen it yet!

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