is allowed in my dorms but I was never one to follow rules, in fact I hate rules. I hate being told what to do and I often do the opposite of what I am told. I am being ninja about it though so I won't get in trouble. Today was my first day at school. I haven't been in school since December 11th so it's a bit weird getting back into the swing of academia. I had 4 classes today and was at school from 9 to 530 with a few breaks in between. It has tiring but so awesome. I am taking a 5 week intro to Japanese writing course, a spoken language course and 4 history classes. My writing sensee (we call Japanese teachers sensee's) and my spoken language sensee are pretty awesome. I have the same American professor for 3 of my history courses and he is fucking amazing! I have one more history course that I go to tomorrow, I haven't met him yet but he hosted a lot of our orientation meetings and he is pretty funny and seems cool. I am going to be real busy the next 15 weeks but I am so excited about all of my classes. The culture shock is slowing starting to wear off and the reality that I am going to be living this lifestyle is setting in. I felt really homesick today. All I wanted to do was watch the superbowl and drink beer with everyone back in Portland. I miss home and my love and my friends. I miss burrito's and bloody mary's. But Japan is truly an amazing place. My school is amazing and I have top of the line sensee's and professor's. I will write more about my one professors later because he is a trip. Also, I just thought about something the other day: I live on an island. So weird.
Careful now! I got kicked out of my dorm for drinking. I suppose you have better luck than me though!